
April, 21. I celebrate!

Every year, this date is an occasion for a good celebration. This year in particular, the sense of this celebration is even more symbolic! I'm preparing for tonight's ceremonial fiesta!

Can you find what is this all about? What is April, 21 ?

Updt on April, 22: quite many of you read this post, none dared finally even to guess! It's NOT what you thought, you…

April, 21 2006, my daughter turned 16! :D

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Blogger phivos said...

April, 21 is the day after April, 20?

No, that's not the right answer. However…

Χρόνια πολλά σ'όλα τα Παλληκάρια!

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Χρόνια της πολλά αν και λίγο καθυστερημένα... αλλά δεν πειραζει ε ? Φιλάκια στην κουκλίτσα :)

4:58 AM  

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